Shipping and payment information
General information about shipping:
All orders under 120 Euro are shipped with a flat rate of 12.99 Euro within Europe.
From 120 Euro value of goods the shipping within Europe is free of charge.
All orders under 180 Euro are shipped with a flat rate of 33.99 Euro outside Europe.
Starting from 180 euro commodity value the dispatch outside of Europe is free.
All prices are gross prices with VAT and there are no additional costs.
We will deduct VAT from your purchase in your country.
Online payment method
PayPal (credit card, direct debit, bank transfer)
For not received goods Check where the delivery is.
For defective goods, we ask you to send the truth back to us
and we exchange them immediately. You will receive a new delivery on our cost free shipping.
Attention to all EU buyers who do not live in Germany.
!!!!!! NEW Europe Rule !!!!!
From 01.07.2021
Changes to VAT for cross-border deliveries in the EU from July 2021.
This means that from 01.07.21 you will no longer pay 19% VAT.
You will still pay the same amount of VAT as in your country.
For example, a buyer from Italy will still pay 19% VAT when buying before 01.07.21.
From 01.07.21 the buyer from Italy pays 22% VAT.
So if the VAT in your country is higher than 19%, you should make your purchase before 01.07.21 so that you can still save now.
And so all items are converted immediately in the shopping cart with the correct VAT from your country.
We will send the VAT from your purchase in your country via the EU One Stop Shop (OSS) procedure.
Attenzione a tutti gli acquirenti dell'UE che non vivono in Germania.
!!!!!! Nuovo regolamento europeo !!!!!
Dal 01.07.2021
Modifiche all'IVA per le consegne transfrontaliere nell'UE da luglio 2021.
Questo significa che dal 01.07.21 non pagherete più l'IVA al 19%.
Continuerete a pagare la stessa quantità di IVA del vostro paese.
Per esempio, un acquirente dall'Italia pagherà ancora il 19% di IVA quando acquista prima del 01.07.21.
Dal 01.07.21, l'acquirente dall'Italia pagherà il 22% di IVA.
Quindi, se l'IVA nel tuo paese è superiore al 19%, dovresti fare il tuo acquisto prima del 01.07.21 in modo da poter risparmiare ancora adesso.
E così tutti gli articoli vengono convertiti immediatamente nel carrello con l'IVA corretta del suo paese.
Invieremo l'IVA del suo acquisto nel suo paese tramite la procedura One Stop Shop (OSS) dell'UE.
General information about shipping:
Online payment method
PayPal (credit card, direct debit, bank transfer)
For not received goods Check where the delivery is.
For defective goods, we ask you to send the truth back to us
and we exchange them immediately. You will receive a new delivery on our cost free shipping.
Special instructions for shipping abroad:
Deliveries to foreign countries may incur duties, taxes and fees which are not included in the total price displayed.
All orders under 120 Euro are shipped with a flat rate of 12.99 Euro within Europe.
From 120 Euro value of goods the shipping within Europe is free of charge.
All orders under 180 Euro are shipped with a flat rate of 33.99 Euro outside Europe.
Starting from 180 euro commodity value the dispatch outside of Europe is free.
All prices are gross prices with VAT and there are no additional costs.
We will deduct VAT from your purchase in your country.
Payment methods:
PayPal (credit card, direct debit, bank transfer)
If you select this payment method, the next step is to forward to PayPal. When the required data has been entered there, it automatically goes back to this shop to complete the order.
for payment in advance
If you choose these payment options, you will receive an e-mail with the bank details from us after the purchase.
Please transfer first and then we can deliver your order.
At delivery
If you choose these payment options, you will receive an e-mail with the bank details from us after your purchase.
Please transfer first and then we will deliver your order.
Name, Besteldatum
At Liferung only against prepayment.
When picking up
The ordered goods will be paid only when you pick them up.
Payment Methods
You can choose to pay in advance, by credit card or via PayPal.
Check / Money Order
When ordering, simply choose "prepayment" as payment method. There are no additional charges for you. After your order, we will send you an order confirmation with our account details to the given e-mail address. Please transfer the invoice amount as soon as possible, as we deliver the goods only after receipt of payment on our account.
PayPal is the online payment service that lets you pay securely, easily and quickly in online shops - and it's free.
Safe: Your bank or credit card details are only deposited with PayPal. That's why they are not sent over the Internet every time you make an online purchase.
Simple: you pay with two clicks. Because you can access your bank or credit card details deposited with PayPal instead of entering them again with every purchase.
Fast: PayPal payments arrive quickly. Then the seller can ship the goods immediately and you usually get them earlier.
Sign in and use PayPal immediately:
Open a PayPal account at
Link your bank account or credit card to your PayPal account.
And you can pay with PayPal + Buyer Protection
Attention to all EU buyers who do not live in Germany.
!!!!!! NEW Europe Rule !!!!!
From 01.07.2021
Changes to VAT for cross-border deliveries in the EU from July 2021.
This means that from 01.07.21 you will no longer pay 19% VAT.
You will still pay the same amount of VAT as in your country.
For example, a buyer from Italy will still pay 19% VAT when buying before 01.07.21.
From 01.07.21 the buyer from Italy pays 22% VAT.
So if the VAT in your country is higher than 19%, you should make your purchase before 01.07.21 so that you can still save now.
And so all items are converted immediately in the shopping cart with the correct VAT from your country.
We will send the VAT from your purchase in your country via the EU One Stop Shop (OSS) procedure.
Attenzione a tutti gli acquirenti dell'UE che non vivono in Germania.
!!!!!! Nuovo regolamento europeo !!!!!
Dal 01.07.2021
Modifiche all'IVA per le consegne transfrontaliere nell'UE da luglio 2021.
Questo significa che dal 01.07.21 non pagherete più l'IVA al 19%.
Continuerete a pagare la stessa quantità di IVA del vostro paese.
Per esempio, un acquirente dall'Italia pagherà ancora il 19% di IVA quando acquista prima del 01.07.21.
Dal 01.07.21, l'acquirente dall'Italia pagherà il 22% di IVA.
Quindi, se l'IVA nel tuo paese è superiore al 19%, dovresti fare il tuo acquisto prima del 01.07.21 in modo da poter risparmiare ancora adesso.
E così tutti gli articoli vengono convertiti immediatamente nel carrello con l'IVA corretta del suo paese.
Invieremo l'IVA del suo acquisto nel suo paese tramite la procedura One Stop Shop (OSS) dell'UE.